Numismatica Ranieri

Online Auction 12  –  26 June 2022

Numismatica Ranieri, Online Auction 12

Italian and World Coins and Medals, Literature

Su, 26.06.2022, from 8:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Dogi Biennali, 1528-1797. III Fase, 1637-1797.
Scudo stretto 1695, ITC.
Ag gr. 38,12
Dr. ET REGE EOS 1695 I T C. La Beata Vergine di fronte sulle nubi, coronata di stelle, regge il Bambino in grembo e lo scettro.
Rv. DVX ET GVB REIP GEN. Croce accantonata da quattro stelle.
CNI 4/4; MIR 294/58.
Buon BB

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Price realized 310 EUR
Starting price 150 EUR
The auction is closed.
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