Kolbe & Fanning

Auction 170  –  15 June 2024

Kolbe & Fanning, Auction 170

Numismatic Literature

Sa, 15.06.2024, from 6:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Münzen und Medaillen A.G. SCHWEIZER UND AUSLÄNDISCHE MÜNZEN. MÜNZEN DER ANTIKE. Cover title cited. Basel: Auktion VII, 3.–4. Dezember 1948. 50 pages; 721 lots; 30 plates; estimate list bound in. Entirely and neatly (if lightly) priced and named in ink. [bound with] Münzen und Medaillen A.G. SCHWEIZER UND AUSLÄNDISCHE MÜNZEN. MÜNZEN DER ANTIKE. Cover title cited. Basel: Auktion VIII, 8.–10. Dezember 1949. 72 pages; 1025 lots; 40 plates; estimate list bound in. Entirely and neatly priced and named in ink. [bound with] Monnaies et Médailles S.A. MONNAIES GRECQUES ET ROMAINES. OBJETS D’ART DE L’ANTIQUITÉ CLASSIQUE. Cover title cited. Bâle: Vente Publique X, 22–23 juin 1951. 39, (1) pages; 426 lots; 20 plates, the first 12 fine; estimate list bound in. Entirely and neatly priced in ink. [bound with] Monnaies et Médailles S.A. MONNAIES D’OR: GAULOISES, GRECQUES, ROMAINES ET BYZANTINES. OBJETS D’ART GRECS. Cover title cited. Bâle: Vente Publique XI, 23–24 janvier 1953. 40 pages; 351 lots; 24 plates. Estimate list laid in. Numismatic lots [first 290] entirely and neatly priced and named in ink. Four catalogues, bound in one volume. Crown 4to, contemporary blue cloth and boards; spine lettered in gilt. Additional materials laid in (see comments). Very good. The Spink copies of these sales, with much information concerning their bids. Sales 7, 8 and 11 are entirely priced and named (in the case of Sale 11, only the numismatic lots are thus annotated). Sale 7 (Spring 447) includes ancient coins from the collection of M. Mehmet Ali Sevki Alhan, in addition to other material. Sale 8 (Spring 448) includes a notable offering of Tarentine coins. Sale 10 (Spring 449), while not attributed to a named collector, was deemed important enough by M&M to include finely printed plates (as opposed to their usual halftones). The additional materials laid in all pertain to Sale 11 (Spring 450) and include handwritten notes to and by Spink staff (including Robert Forrer) regarding commission bids and correspondence to and from Robert P. Pflieger of Brussels regarding Sale 11. Ex Spink Library.

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Price realized 325 USD
Starting price 325 USD
Estimate 500 USD
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