England. Aethelred II. 978-1016. AR Half Penny (10.5mm, 0.84g). Crux type (BMC iiia, Hild. C). Thetford mint; moneyer Beorhtric(?). Struck circa 991-997. [+ ÆÐEL]RED REX Λ[NGLOX], bareheaded draped bust left with scepter in front / [+BYRHTRI](?)C M¯O DEOD, short cross voided, [C R] V X in angles. BEH 3692(?); North 770. Very Fine, slightly wavy flan, peck mark.
The cut along the cross line indicates that this coin was cut during its circulation. Moreover, according to Jonsson and Van der Meer's study “Mints and Moneyers c. 973 - 1066” only one moneyer ends with the letter "C" which produced the Crux type at the Thetford mint. This is also in line with the listing of monyers by Hildebrand which only list Beorhtric with the ending letter C for the Crux type. Therefore it seem plausible that the moneyer of the present coin is Beorhtric.