Byzantine lead seal of Nicholaos patrikios, judge of the velon, in charge of the imperial sakkella and praetor,
with the rare depiction of saint John Chrysostom
(11th cent.)
Obverse: Bust of saint John Chrysostom facial, nimbate, with short beard, wearing phaelonion and omophorion, holding by his left the book of Gospels, sigla, [Ο(ΑΓΙΟC]ΙΩ-ΧΡ(Υ)C(Ο)CΤΟΜ(ΟC) (Saint John Chrysostom), no visible border.
Reverse: Inscription in 8 lines following a cross, +KE[RΘ]/ΝΙΚΟΛΑ[Ω]/ΠΑΤ,ΚΡΙΤΗ[Τ,]/RΗΛΟΥRΑCΙΛ,[.]/ΤΑΡ,ΤΗCCΑΚΕ[Λ,]/SΠΡΑΙΤΟΡ,Τ[Ω]/ΑΙΜ[.....]/ΜΙ[...] = Κύριε, βοήθει Νικολάῳ πατρικίῳ, κριτῇ τοῦ βήλου, βασιλικῷ ταρ... τῆς σακέλλης καὶ πραίτορι τῷ .... (Lord, help Nicholaos patrikios, judge of the velon, imperial ... in charge of the sakella, and praetor the ...), no visible border.
Commentary: The owner of the present seal Nicholaos hold at the same time many high dignities. The last illegible word is undoubtedly his surname.
Condition: Very Fine
Weight: 11,2 gram
Diameter: 29,0 mm