Tauler & Fau

Auction 138  –  24 - 25 January 2024

Tauler & Fau, Auction 138

Islamic World Vol. I

Part 1: We, 24.01.2024, from 4:00 PM CET
Part 2: Th, 25.01.2024, from 4:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.
Please note: Buyers Premium has changed to 20%.


Other Islamic coins. AFZWT type, time of Al-Mahdi. Hemidrachm. PYE 135 = 170 AH (786 AD). Tabaristán. Abbasid caliphate. (Album-73). (Walker-156). Anv.: Crowned and draped bust to right; behind head, GDH ('kingship' in Pahlawi); before head, 'AFZUT' ('may increase' in Pahlawi); in outer margin, APD / NWKW ('excellent' and 'good' in Pahlawi) and 'bakh bakh' ('very fine' in Arabic). Rev.: Sasanian fire altar set on three steps, flanked by two attending priests (mabedh) standing facing; to left, date; to right, mint TPURSTAN ('Tabaristan' in Pahlawi). Ag. 1,90 g. Original luster. AU/Almost MS. Est...90,00.

Spanish Description: Otras Acuñaciones Islámicas. Tipo AFZWT, tiempos de of Al-Mahdi. Hemidracma. PYE 134 = 169 H (785/6 d.C). Tabaristán. Califato Abbásida. (Album-73). (Walker-156). Anv.: Busto coronado y drapeado a la derecha, detrás GHD ("Realeza" en Pahlawi); delante "AFZUT"; en el margen exterior APD / NWKW ("Excelente" en Pahlawi y "Bakh bakh - muy bueno" en árabe). Rev.: Altar en llamas sobre trés escalones, flanqueado por dos asistentes en pie frente a frente, a la izquierda fecha; a la derecha TPURSTAN ("Tabaristán" en Pahlawi. Ag. 1,90 g. Brillo original. EBC+/SC-. Est...90,00.

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Price realized --
Starting price 50 EUR
Estimate 90 EUR
The auction is closed.
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