Great Britain. Vernon Admiral. Medal. 1741. Cartagena de Indias. Anv.: Full standing portraits of Ogle and Vernon facing each other, legend ADMIRAL VERNON AND SR CHALONER OGLE. Rev.: View of the port of Carthagena. BY BRITISH COURAGE TOOK CATHAGENA APRIL 1741. Ae. 14,99 g. Knock. Rare type. Almost VF. Est...180,00.
Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Almirante Vernon. Medalla. 1741. Cartagena de Indias. Anv.: Imágen completa de Ogle y Vernon uno frente al otro; alrededor ADMIRAL VERNON AND SR CHALONER OGLE. Rev.: Vista del puerto de Cartagena. Por el coraje Británico. BY BRITISH COURAGE TOOK CATHAGENA APRIL 1741. Ae. 14,99 g. Golpe. Raro tipo. MBC-. Est...180,00.
Price realized | 100 EUR |
Starting price | 100 EUR |
Estimate | 180 EUR |