Fonteius. P. Fonteius P. f. Capito. Denarius. 55 BC. Rome. (Ffc-723). (Craw-429/1). (Cal-594). Anv.: P. FONTEIVS. P.F. CAPITO III. VIR., bust of Mars draped right, trophy behind. Rev.: MN. FONT. TR. MIL., (MN y NT interlace) above warrior on horseback thrusting his spear at Gaulish enemy who is about to slay a third combatant who is unarmed, helmet and oval shiel below on right. Ag. 4,03 g. Almost XF. Est...300,00.
Spanish Description: Fonteia. P. Fonteius P. f. Capito. Denario. 55 a.C. Roma. (Ffc-723). (Craw-429/1). (Cal-594). Anv.: Busto de Marte a derecha, detrás: trofeo, P. FONTEIVS. P.F. CAPITO III.VIR. Rev.: Jinete con lanza a derecha, luchando contra dos enemigos arrodillados, MN. FONT. TR. MIL., (MN y NT entrelazadas). Ag. 4,03 g. EBC-. Est...300,00.
Price realized | 200 EUR |
Starting price | 150 EUR |
Estimate | 300 EUR |