INDIA. Kaiser-i-Hind Public Service First Class Gold Medal, ND (1911-36). George V. UNCIRCULATED.
Dimensions: 60mm x 32mm; Weight: 53.20 gms. Obverse: Royal cypher of George V surrounded by wreath; Reverse: Floral scroll with says stating: "KAISER-I-HIND"; surrounded by inscription "FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN INDIA". Surmounted by crown suspension. The Kaiser-I-Hind medal was issued those "who shall have distinguished himself by important and useful service in the advancement of the public interest in India." The title Kaiser-i-Hind literally translates to emperor of India, and was issued under the aegis of every monarch who ruled India, being created in 1900 and lasting until the end of the British Raj in 1947. The first class issue in gold, of which this example is a representative, was awarded only on recommendation of the monarch. The most famous recipient of this type of medal was Mohandas Gandhi, for contributing to the ambulance service in South Africa. Gandhi would later return the medal in 1920 as protest against British rule. The present example is yet quite attractive, delivering no immediate signs of handling and strong retained eye appeal.
尺寸: 60 毫米 x 32 毫米; 重量: 53.20 克。 正面: 喬治五世徽號,外繞花環; 背面: 花卉捲紋,上書“KAISER-I-HIND(印度皇帝),外繞銘文“FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN INDIA”(為印度人民服務)。上方連吊環。 印度皇帝勳章頒發予“在促進印度公共利益方面作出重大而具建設性貢獻的人士”。“印度皇帝”頭銜顧名思義,由每位統治印度的君主授予,創立於 1900 年,一直持續到 1947 年英屬印度結束。此枚為金質一等勳章,僅在君主推薦下才會頒發。此類勳章最著名的受勳者為聖雄甘地,他因在南非志力於救護車服務而獲此殊榮。甘地後來於 1920 年歸還了這枚勳章,以抗議英國的統治。此枚品相完好,未見明顯的處理痕迹,依舊賞心悅目。
Estimate: $2000.00 - $3000.00
Price realized | 4'600 USD |
Starting price | 1'200 USD |