Enticing American Oriental Banking Corporation Ingot
CHINA. Mei-Feng Yinhang Xiaobao. American Oriental Bank Small Ingots. Silver Tael Bank Ingot, ND (ca. 1921-35). ALMOST UNCIRCULATED.
BMC-Class XXXII Group A # 349. Weight: 35.07 gms. "A.O.B.C." (American Oriental Banking Corporation), "美豐" (Mei Feng Bank) below all within circular border. A VERY RARE and desirable type, this represents just the third such instance in which we have offered one of these impressive specimens in the past decade-plus. The stamp is solidly executed, with some pleasing toning taking hold throughout. Some minor wear is observed, but some glints of brilliance remain in the various protected areas as well. The issuing authority of this type, The American Oriental Banking Corporation, was the largest of all of the American banks in China. They became incorporated in 1917 and opened four branches: The American Oriental Bank of Shanghai (ca. 1917-35), The American Oriental Bank of Fukien (1922-35), The American Oriental Bank of Szechuan (1921-32), and The American Oriental Bank of Tientsin (ca. 1924-35). By 1935, however, all four branches were either bought out by their Chinese investors, as in the case of the Szechuan branch, or closed due to China's departure from the silver standard, which caused their foreign exchange business to fail terribly.
重35.07克。"A.O.B.C."。,"美豐"位於圓圈内的下方。非常罕見而且廣受追捧的版別,在過去逾十年中我們僅經手三枚。戳記深打,有悅目包漿覆蓋。可見輕微磨損,底板閃爍光芒。發行商為上海美豐銀行,是中國最大的美資銀行。註冊成立於1917年,開設四間分行:上海美豐銀行(ca. 1917-35),福建美豐銀行(1922-35),四川美豐銀行(1921-32)及天津美豐銀行(ca. 1924-35)。1935年,四間分行不是如四川分行般被中國投資者買斷,就是因中國不再使用銀本位制導致兌換業務虧損嚴重而倒閉。
Estimate: $3000.00 - $5000.00
Price realized | -- |
Starting price | 1'800 USD |