GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain - Mexico. Dollar (4 Shillings 9 Pence), ND (1804). George III. PCGS VF-35; Countermark: VF Details.
S-3766; KM-656; Bull-1868. Authorized 2 January 1804. Countermark: Bank of England Type II, bust of George III within octagonal indent. Applied to the obverse of a 1799-Mo FM Mexico 8 Reales of Charles IV (KM-109). A lovely example of this popular countermark issue, with the fairly well-preserved host displaying charmingly clear details throughout, along with glossy gunmetal surfaces that deepen in tone around the rims. The octagonal countermark shows some weakness, but preserves the distinctive silhouette of the British monarch.
授權於1804年1月2日。戳記:英格蘭銀行二型喬治三世半身像於八角形内陷中央。加戳於1799-Mo FM年墨西哥卡洛斯四世8雷阿爾 (KM-109)。深受歡迎的戳記版別,品相動人。主體幣保存頗佳,細節分明,油亮的槍灰色幣面,包漿像邊緣加深。八角形加戳稍弱,但君主身形仍清晰。
Estimate: $800.00- $1200.00
Price realized | 1'400 USD |
Starting price | 480 USD |