Stack's Bowers Galleries

September 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  2 - 7 October 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, September 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Internet Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part F: Sa, 02.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part G: Sa, 02.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part H: Su, 03.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part I: Su, 03.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part J: Mo, 04.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part K: Tu, 05.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part L: We, 06.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part M: Th, 07.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


JAPAN. Group of Mixed Denominations and Types (Approximately 114 Pieces), ND (ca. 17th-19th Centuries). Average Grade: NEARLY VERY FINE.

An incredible opportunity for the student in the earlier coinage of Feudal Japan, this lot presents a great variety of cash-style issues and a few charms, along with "samurai" silver issues like the bu and shu gin, as well as stamped mameita-gin types. Close examination highly encouraged. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS.

Estimate: $300.00 - $500.00


早期封建時期的日本鑄幣,難得的一組,展現了各種各樣的現古錢發行和一些花錢,以及像 bu 和 shu gin 一樣的"武士"銀質發行,以及加蓋的豆板銀。出價前建議仔細檢閱。現況出售,概不退換。

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Price realized 3'100 USD
Starting price 180 USD
The auction is closed.
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