(t) CHINA. Gold Presentation Dollar, Year 10 (1921). Tientsin Mint. PCGS SPECIMEN-64.
L&M-1125; K-1570a; KM-Pn66; WS-0082; Wenchao-59 (rarity 3 stars). Variety with reeded edge and without lower legend on reverse. Obverse: President Hsu Shih-chang facing slightly left in formal attire; Reverse: Pavilion at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, without legend at the bottom. An incredible companion piece to the example with the lower legend on the reverse ( and, rather conveniently, also a PCGS SPECIMEN-64 ), this stunning near-Gem radiates with immense lustrous brilliance and smooth, matte-like fields. The surfaces overall are on the verge of being impeccable, and it remains highly unlikely that one will encounter another piece to rival this specimen. Accordingly, the finer of just two certified by PCGS, and by a full two points. Worthy of close, in hand inspection and immense adoration, this piece will not disappoint and should generate tremendous desire and enthusiasm.
Estimate: $500000.00 - $750000.00
珍稀度:☆☆☆。齒邊,底下無銘文。正面為徐世昌身穿正裝面左,反面為北京協和醫院的涼亭。與本次呈獻的另一枚帶銘文的金鑄版相映成趣(巧合地,評分同為PCGS SP 64)。銳打,金光閃爍,幣面光滑如鏡,細節纖毫畢現。巔峰品相的狀態,千年難遇的珍品。PCGS僅評鑑過兩枚,此枚優於另一枚,高出兩分之多。華麗罕見,值得上手細味檢閱,令人愛不釋手的一枚,值得躋身高端集藏。
Price realized | 600'000 USD |
Starting price | 300'000 USD |