Stack's Bowers Galleries

April 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  5 - 8 April 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, April 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 05.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 5:30 AM CEST
Part D: We, 07.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 08.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.



Unique Empire of Iturbide Filipino 8 Escudos

PHILIPPINES. Philippines - Mexico. 8 Escudos, ND (1834-37). Isabel II. PCGS MS-61 Gold Shield; Countermark: UNC Details.

cf. Fr-A3; KM-141.3; Basso-43; Gil Crown Variety-5-4-3-III; PNM#6-Unlisted; PNM#16-Unlisted; PNM#21-Unlisted. Type VI Countermark, crowned Y.II. within circle applied to the obverse of an 1822-Mo JM Mexico Empire of Iturbide 8 Escudos. Issued by decree of 20 December 1834, suppressed 31 March 1837, by decree of 1 February 1836. This exceptional rarity was unknown to the famous and well-known early academic numismatists of the Philippines such as Pablo de I. Jesus, Gilbert Perez, Jose P. Bantung and Aldo P. Basso to name a few; and for all intents and purposes is UNIQUE and highly desirable. As a type, the gold issues are seldom encountered and are always heavily desired by serious collectors seeking rare and unusual host coins/types. The host type in this instance, an 8 Escudos from the short-lived Empire of Iturbide, is much more intriguing, as the silver versions are unusual, but an appearance in gold is almost unthinkable! Famed Philippines numismatist Aldo P. Basso, author of Coins, Medals and Tokens of the Philippines ; stated "Countermarked gold coins must be placed at the top of the list". The countermark here is nicely centered, though due to the relief of the host design that it was struck over, the central portion is quite weak. This punch, die-linked to the 1825-Mo JM "Hand on book" Mexico 8 Escudos sold in our NYINC 2015 auction of the Ray Czahor collection Lot # 1428, bares interesting characteristics such as the cross section of "Y" in the queen's cipher being filled, making identification and classification to the 5-4-3 pearl sequence easy. Seldom do the countermarked gold issues from this series come to market, let alone one of this magnitude. As such, it is sure to garner much attention and spirited bidding from advanced collectors, as it could appeal to collectors that specialize in the Philippines, Mexico or irreplaceable world type coins. It is worth mentioning that the 1825-Mo JM 8 Escudos mentioned above was graded PCGS EF-45 and hammered down for an impressive $50,000- plus the buyer's premium.

From the Pinnacle Collection. Ex: John J. Ford Collection (Glendinings 9/89) Lot # 312.

Estimate: $ 40000 - 60000


1834-37年菲律賓-墨西哥8 埃斯庫多金幣。 伊莎貝爾二世。

VI 型戳記,加冠 Y.II。在 1822-Mo JM 墨西哥伊圖爾比德帝國8 埃斯庫多正面的圓圈內加戳。經 1834 年 12 月 20 日法令發行,由 1837 年 2 月 1 日的法令壓制,於 1837 年 3 月 31 日被正式廢除。此版極為珍稀,即便是菲律賓著名的學術研究者如 Pablo de I. Jesus、Gilbert Perez、 Jose P. Bantung 及 Aldo P. Basso 亦未曾收錄此款錢幣,可說是舉世無雙的珍品。此版金幣向來受資深藏家歡迎,鮮少面市,別樹一格的加戳更惹遐想。此枚加戳於伊圖爾比德帝國的 8 埃斯庫多上,銀質版已是鳳毛麟角,金質版更是超乎想像,令人為之驚艷。菲律賓著名的錢幣學家, 的著者 Aldo P. Basso 曾寫道"帶戳記的金幣絕對是常列待收藏項目的前茅"。此枚戳記端正居中,由於底下的設計浮雕,戳記的中央部分鑄力薄弱。此戳與我司 2015 年 NYINC 拍賣中的 Ray Czahor 收藏系列所呈獻的 1428 拍品(1825-Mo JM,該戳加蓋於墨西哥"手放書上"8 埃斯庫多)的特徵相異。本品實心 Y 戳,因此容易推論出頭冠上的明珠應為5-4-3排列。加戳金幣鮮少面世,如此引人入勝的一枚,肯定會引起高級收藏家的廣泛關注和激烈的競標,鐘情菲律賓或墨西哥錢幣的藏家不容錯過。 值得一提的是,上面提及的 1825-Mo JM 8 埃斯庫多評分為 PCGS EF-45,並以 50,000美元的高價落槌(連佣金)。

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Price realized 150'000 USD
Starting price 24'000 USD
The auction is closed.
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