Pattern-Only 2 Mace Proposed National Coinage
(t) CHINA. Hong Kong. Silver 2 Mace Pattern, 1867. Hong Kong Mint. Victoria. PCGS SPECIMEN-62+ Gold Shield.
L&M-602; K-913; KM-Pn123; Prid-317 (plate coin); Wenchao-392 (5 Stars); Chang Foundation-62. The obverse of the this lovely, EXCEEDINGLY RARE, and short-lived minor issue depicts the British crown within a beaded border, along with the legend "Two Mace . Shanghai" above and the date "*1867*" below; meanwhile, the reverse displays an 8-pointed radiant star within beaded border along with Chinese characters in the legend in an unorthodox sequence, reading as "Shang (right) Hai (left) Er (top) Chien (bottom)" (Shanghai two Mace). This nicely preserved pattern-only issue exhibits a sharp strike with raised upset wire rims, frosty devices, and slightly subdued flashy surfaces that retain much brilliance. Pleasing to the eye, this specimen displays very attractive mottled grey patina complemented by an iridescent sheen that pops out when tilted in the light, ultimately offering much originality. The opportunity to acquire such an elite rarity does not present itself often and, for all intents and purposes, should be considered a trophy piece destined for an advanced collection of high caliber numismatic treasures. When Kann published the first edition of his masterful work, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins, he was aware of only three surviving examples of this denomination: two from the famous Tracy Woodward collection and one from Mr. Don C. Keefer of Chicago. Prepared at the Hong Kong Mint at the order of the colonial government, these proposed patterns were submitted to the government at Peking in an attempt to reform the currency system and establish silver coinage for circulation that could be accepted by the public. Ultimately, these designs--Tael and 2 Mace--were rejected with no indication as to why, though the appearance of the British royal arms should have been obvious. Considering the tense relationship between the British and Chinese at the time, it's no wonder why these designs were met with dissatisfaction by the imperial court. Furthermore, the inclusion of an insignia of a foreign monarch for a proposed unified national coinage was just downright insulting.
From the Pinnacle Collection.
Estimate: $ 50000 - 100000
精美絕倫, 極罕 且僅曾短期發行的真品。正面有英國皇冠居中,圓珠圍繞,銘文英字"Two Mace . Shanghai" ,日期 "H1867H" 於底。反面八角芒星,圓珠圍繞,上下左右寫上"上海貳錢"。保存完好的一枚,高邊深打,圖文霜面光澤,銀光溫潤。悅人眼目的一枚,表面斑駁灰色包漿,燈光下轉動時更透現虹彩,原味十足。獨一無二的珍品,絕對能成為收藏中的至尊瑰寶。 當耿愛德出版其傑出著作《中國錢幣圖解目錄》的第一版時,此版存世已知僅三枚。兩枚來自著名的 Tracy Woodward 收藏系列,另一枚來自芝加哥的 Don C. Keefer。此樣幣是在殖民政府的命令下由香港造幣廠準備的,並已提交給北京政府,以試圖改革貨幣體系並建立可以被廣泛接受的流通銀幣。最終,壹兩及貳錢的設計被回絕,儘管原因不明,不過設計以英國皇家為主,缺乏中國元素可能為箇中原因。考慮到當時中英兩國之間的緊張關係,難怪帝國法院對這些設計不滿。本是鑄以紀念國家統一的新幣,卻融入外國君主的徽記,猶如侮辱。
Price realized | 220'000 USD |
Starting price | 30'000 USD |