Stack's Bowers Galleries

May 2020 Hong Kong Auction  –  4 - 7 May 2020

Stack's Bowers Galleries, May 2020 Hong Kong Auction

World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 04.05.2020, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Mo, 04.05.2020, from 9:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 05.05.2020, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part D: We, 06.05.2020, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 07.05.2020, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part F: Th, 07.05.2020, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


Iconic 80 Baht of Rama V
THAILAND. Chang (80 Baht or 20 Tamlung), CS 1242 (1880). Rama V, P'ra Paramin Maha Chulalonkorn.
C-193; LeMay-Pg.110; Krisadaolarn-pg.214 E502 (Plate coin); Krisadaolarn/Mihailovs-pg.138, E36 & E37; Coinage of the Rattanakosin Era-510.1. 10-blade variety. Weight: 1121 gms. This massive presentation bullet coin displays beautiful gun-metal gray tone with a lovely blue iridescent sheen. An outstanding well preserved and published survivor that clearly sat for a prolonged period of time undisturbed that has been handled with care. A highly anticipated offering and opportunity to obtain an iconic Thai issue that does not present itself often not to be missed as it may not occur again for many years. This piece as part of a complete set was featured on the front cover and on pages 11-12 & 99 of Mark Graham's and Manfred Winkler's book "Thai Coins" published 1992. The Ultimate Thai Ancient Coin, King Chulalongkorn's equal Somdet P'ra Deb Sirindhra (Princess mother), to commemorate his age. The date chosen 24 May 1880 was very symbolic because in that year the King's age was equal to his mother's at her time of passing. Attendees who were present during the ceremony were given examples of this issue, while full sets were given to royalty and high ranking officials. Two of the three markings are typical emblems of Thai coinage and medals. One being an elaborate form of the chakra, and the other is the mark of the crown. The third mark is that of Rampeui with date below, which was chosen because it was his mother's maiden name. The Chang (80 Baht) and 1/2 Chang (40 Baht or 10 Tamlung) differ significantly from most other Thai bullets in that they are intricately hand engraved as opposed to the smaller denominations where all of the marks are struck. Even further delineating from the norm is the fact that this series represents the first dated silver coins of Thailand and the only dated bullet coinage ever produced. Considered by most collectors and scholars to be the pinnacle of Thai numismatics, to obtain a single example of any denomination is a feat and is highly prized by collectors. We note another example of the 80 Baht of this type that sold for approximately $285,000 (9,520,200 Baht) in a 2018 auction in Thailand), seldom do the large examples from this series appear on the market and as such should be considered of the HIGHEST RARITY.
Ex: Eurseree Auction # 31 March 23-24, 2013 Lot # 1814 (part of) where the set hammered for an impressive 9,200,000 Baht (Approximately $288.6 thousand) Featured on the front cover of "Thai Coins" by Mark Graham and Manfred Winkler published Bangkok 1992.
Estimate: $250000.00- $350000.00

拉瑪五世標誌性的80泰銖 "สัญลักษณ์ 80 บาทของราชการที่ห้า"
重1121克。此子彈銀幣包漿為悅目的槍灰色,略帶藍色虹彩。保存狀態優異,顯然靜置時間長,且經細心保管。備受追捧的一款泰幣,而且多年不曾露面,此為將其納入藏中的難得良機。此為Mark Graham及Manfred Winkler於1992年出版的《泰國錢幣》封面、11-12頁及99頁中所收錄套裝中的其中一枚。 泰國古幣的巔峰。紀念朱拉隆功國王與其母Somdet P'ra Deb Sirindhra同壽。幣上的日期1880年5月24日極有紀念意義,因為該年國王的年齡與其母去世時的年齡相當。儀式的觀禮者每人會得到此版,而全套銀幣則頒授予皇室成員及高階官員。每枚子彈幣上均有三個戳記,其中兩個常見於泰幣和勛章,一為脈輪的精緻版式,二為皇冠;不常見的第三個戳記為Rampeui,是國王母親的娘家姓,下標日期。套幣中最大的兩枚,Chang(80銖)和1/2 Chang(40銖)與多數泰國子彈幣的不同之處在於,每一枚皆為純手工雕刻,普通子彈銀幣的小面值為機鑄。更令此套銀幣鶴立鷄群的是,它是泰國首款鑄有日期的錢幣,也是唯一一款鑄有日期的子彈幣。無數藏家學者均認為,此套子彈幣代表泰國錢幣史上的巔峰,如能有幸收藏一枚都是極大樂事,將整套錢幣納入囊中實乃人生無憾。翻查拍賣記錄,此組珍品中的80銖曾於2018的一場泰國拍賣中以285,000美元成交。此套中的大面值市面鮮見。機遇千載難逢,不容錯過。 On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collector's items manufactured in China. Accordingly, all buyers in forthcoming Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Hong Kong Auctions who wish to have any Chinese manufactured item delivered within the United States will be subject to these tariffs. Furthermore, as a result of the new tariffs, all orders will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.

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Price realized --
Starting price 150'000 USD
Estimate 250'000 USD
The auction is closed.
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