Italy, Medal Promoters of the National Agricultural Industry Medal for the Promoters of the National Agricultural Industry, designed by Pieroni, signed on the obverse.
Obverse: crowned, seated female figure, animals in the background Reverse: five-pointed star and inscription in seven lines AI / PROMOTORI / DELLE / INDUSTRIE / AGRARIE / NAZIONALI
Diameter 40 mm, weight 31.22 g Medal Promotorom Krajowego Przemysłu Rolnego, autorstwa Pieroniego, sygnowany na awersie.
Awers: ukoronowana, siedząca postać kobieca, w tle zwierzęta Rewers: gwiazda pięciopromienna i napis w siedmiu wierszach AI / PROMOTORI / DELLE / INDUSTRIE / AGRARIE / NAZIONALI
Średnica 40 mm, waga 31.22 g
Grade: XF/XF+
Price realized | -- |
Starting price | 24 EUR |