★ Medallion of Pergamon ★
Mysia. Pergamon. Maximinus I Thrax AD 235-238.
Medallion Æ
44 mm, 37,52 g
abraded, [ΑΥΤΟΚΡ Κ Γ ΙΟΥΛ ΒΗΡΟΣ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟΣ, draped, cuirassed and laureate bust right] / ΕΠΙ ΣΤΡ ΑΥΡ ΝΕΙΛΟΥ ΠΕΡΓΑΜ/ ΗΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΩΝ Γ ΝΕ/ΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Dionysos in short chiton and thyrsos staff in the left standing to the right, in the lowered right Kantharos holding, opposite him Demeter with torch staff and grain ears left standing, left in the field burning vessel.
very fine
BMC 338; SNG Copenhagen 507.
Ex Hollschek Collection