Rzeszowski Dom Aukcyjny

Auction IX  –  9 - 10 April 2022

Rzeszowski Dom Aukcyjny, Auction IX

Ancient, Polish, and World Coins, Banknotes, Orders

Part 1: Sa, 09.04.2022, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 2: Su, 10.04.2022, from 10:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


Roman Empire, Probus, Antoninianus Siscia Very rare and sought-after obverse legend PROBVS AVG - the shortest obverse legend in Probus coinage - struck only at Siscia. Beautiful example with almost full silvering! OBVERSE: PROBVS AVG
REVERSE: CONCORDIA MILIT = emperor standing right, clasping hands with Concordia
BUST TYPE: A2 = radiate, cuirassed and draped bust right, seen from the back
WEIGHT 3.94g / AXIS: 6h / WIDTH 22mm
Bardzo rzadki typ awersu z najkrótszym wariantem legendy w mennictwie Probusa (PROBVS AVG).
Awers: popiersie cesarza w koronie promienistej, zbroi i paludamentum, w prawo, w otoku legenda:
PROBVS AVG; Rewers: Cesarz podający rękę Concordii, w otoku legenda:
CONCORDIA MILIT, w odcinku XXIVI; Srebro bilonowe, średnica 22,5 mm, waga 3,93 g, oś 6 h. Reference: RIC 668 VAR, Alfoldi 023.006

More photos and full item description available on auction site here

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Price realized 129 EUR
Starting price 86 EUR
The auction is closed.
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