★ Rare ★
Byzantine Imperial Seal (17.06 g, 29 mm) Rare.
Basil II and Constantine VIII (976-1025)
Obv: Half-length representation of Christ bearded, wearing a tunic and himation and holding the right hand in blessing and a book in the left. He has a nimbus cruciger; each arm contains a decoration consisting of five pellets. Sigla at left and right: Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς Χ(ριστό)ς. Remains of a circular inscription at right: [Ἐμμα]νουήλ. Border of dots. .....ΝΟΥΗΛ
Rev: Two figures: at left, a half-length representation of Basil II bearded, wearing a crown with a cross and pendilia; and at right a representation of Constantine VIII. He is shown half-length wearing a crown with a cross and pendilia and a chlamys pinned together with a fibula on the right shoulder. They hold between them a long patriarchal cross. Circular inscription. Border of dots. ASIL.COSAIR Basil(ios) [c(e)] Constanti(nos) b(asilis) R(omaion)
Ref: BZS.1951.31.5.1657