George II, Capture of Portobello, 1739, silvered bronze medal, full length figure of Vernon, ship to left, cannon to right, ornament beneath platform, rev., six ships within harbour, three small ships by fortress, 40.5mm, (MI II 538/119; Betts 238/239; MH. 224); in bronze, facing half figures of Admiral Vernon and Commodore Brown, rev., view of port, 39mm (MI II 532/97’; Betts 266; MH 259); Attack on Cartagena, 1741, in pinchbeck, standing figure of Vernon receiving sword from kneeling Don Blass, rev., view of Portobello, 38mm (MI II 352/165 var; Betts 299; MH 296); in bronze, facing figure of Vernon, Ogle and Wentworth, rev., view of Cartagena with ships, 38mm (MI II -; Betts 312; MH 321), first and third very fine, others fine, last scarce (4)
Estimate: GBP 300 - 500
Price realized | 300 GBP |
Starting price | 240 GBP |
Estimate | 300 GBP |