*Naval General Service, 1793-1840, single clasp, Trafalgar (Henry Aldred.), toned, pawnbroker’s graffito ‘R/’ in field and tiny nicks to edge, otherwise about extremely fine. Henry Aldred was born c.1785 in Chester, Cheshire, and served as a Landsman aboard H.M.S. Mars at the Battle of Trafalgar when he was 20 years old. H.M.S. Mars was part of Collingwood’s lee column, following the Belleisle closely behind. Mars soon found itself in the thick of the battle – taking fire from five different French and Spanish ships (Pluton, Monarca, Santa Anna, Algesiras and Fougeaux) in the action which followed. She also features prominently in the painting of the Battle of Trafalgar by Nicholas Pocock. H.M.S. Mars suffered significant damage and casualties, with 29 killed and 69 wounded in the course of the battle, including her captain, George Duff, who was killed in action instantly when a cannonball carried away his head early on. Henry Aldred is a unique name on the N.G.S. roll. Ex Cleghorn Collection, 1872; Sotheby November 1997 (£950)
Estimate: £4000-£5000
Price realized | 8'000 GBP |
Starting price | 3'200 GBP |
Estimate | 4'000 GBP |