Netherlands 2 1/2 Gulden (19) 1846 Fleur de Lis, Fine. 1847 Sword, Good Fine. 1848 Sword, Fine. 1850 Sword, Fine. 1851 Sword, GVF with some surface marks. 1852 Sword, About VF. 1854 Sword, Fine with some surface residue. 1855 Sword, NVF with some contact marks. 1858 Sword, Fine. 1859 Sword, Fine. 1861 Sword, Good Fine, scarce. 1862 Sword, About VF, 1866 Sword, VF. 1867 Sword, Fine/Good Fine. 1868 Sword, Good Fine with some thin scratches on the obverse. 1869 Sword, NVF. 1870 Sword, Fine, Ex-Edge Mount. 1871 Sword, Fine. 1872 Sword, Fine
Estimate: GBP 400 - 500
Price realized | 400 GBP |
Starting price | 400 GBP |
Estimate | 500 GBP |