AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 170. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2010. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 586 - xxii, tavv. 28 in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice: Vickers, Michael / Kakhidze, Amiran / Varshalomidze, Irine: Kolkhidki: a Footnote ·» 1-2, pl.1 Elayi, Josette / Elayi, Alain G.: A Series of Coins from Byblos with the Name of the City (4th Cent. BC) ·» 3-8 Nurpetlian, Jack: The Dating of the Civic Coins of Artaxata ·» 9-16, pl.2 Jakobssen, Jens: Antiochus Nicator, the Third King of Bactria? ·» 17-33 Jakobssen, Jens: A Possible New Indo-Greek King Zoilos III, and an Analysis of Realism on Indo-Greek Royal Portraits ·» 35-51 Pincock, Richard: A Possibly Unique Isis Head Bronze Coin of Cleopatra I (180-176 BC) ·» 53-62 Visonà, Paolo: Unusual Carthaginian Billon of the First Punic War and of the Libyan Rev lt ·» 63-71, pl.3 Calomino, Dario: Some Hitherto Unidentified Roman Provincial Issues among the Coin Finds of Nicopolis ·» 73-84, pl.4-5 Butcher, Kevin: Ambrosia in Damascus? ·» 85-91, pl. Debernardi, Pierluigi: Some Unlisted Varieties and Rare Dies in Roman Republican Denarii ·» 93-97 Woods, David: Caligula's Quadrans ·» 99-103 Harper, Philip: Stylistic Links among Copies of Bronze Coins of Claudius I found in Britain and in Spain ·» 105-114 Woytek, B.E.: A New 'Trajanic' Sestertius from Somerset and its Context: Some General Remarks on Struck Copies of Imperial Bronze Coins of Trajan ·» 115- 128, pl.7-10 Gricourt, Daniel / Hollard, Dominique: Les productions monétaires de Postume en 268-269 et celles de Lélien (269). Nouvelles propositions ·» 129-204, pl.11-12 Bland, Roger: Anonymous Half-Siliquae of the Late 4th Century AD ·» 205-214, pl.13- 14 Naismith, Rory: Six English Finds of Carolingian-Era Gold Coins ·» 215-22 Sarah, Guillaume: Charlemagne, Charles the Bald and the Karolus monogram coinage. A multi-disciplin study ·» 227-286, pl.15-21 Coupland, Simon: Carolingian Single Finds and the Economy of the Early Ninth Century ·» 287-319 Schindel, Nikolaus / Hahn, Wolfgang: Notes on Two Arab Byzantine Coin Types from Seventh Century Syria ·» 321-330 Schulze, Ingrid / Schulze, Wolfgang: The Standing Caliph Coins of al-Jazira: some problems and suggestions ·» 331-35 Vardanyan, Aram: Numismatic Evidence for the Presence of Zaydi 'Alids in the Northern Jibāl, Gilān and Khurāsān from AH 250 to 350 (AD 864-961) ·» 355- 374, pl.22-23 Frazer, E.J. / Touw, J. van der: 'The Random Walk': A Study of Coins Lost and Found in an Urban Environment ·» 375-405 COIN HOARDS 2010 Ancient hoards ·» 407-431 Medieval and modern hoards ·» 432-451 EXCAVATION COINS Lenger, Dinçer Savas / Yaras, Ahmet: Coins from the Excavations at Güre, 2006-2007 ·» 453-456 Bowen, Gillian E.: The Coins from the 4th Century Churches and Christian Cemetery at Ismant el-Kharab, ancient Kellis, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt ·» 457-483 Tal, Oren / Baidoun, Issa: A Hoard of Mamluk, Ottoman and Venetian Coins (Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) from Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel ·» 484-493, pl.25-27 Fleisher, Jeffrey / Wynne-Jones, Stephanie: Kilwa-type coins from Songo Mnara, Tanzania: New Finds and Chronological Implications ·» 494-506, pl.28 REVIEWS Dukat, Zdenka / Mirnik, Ivan: The Zagreb Archaeological Museum Numismatic Collection Guide (2008) ·» 507f Callegher, Bruno: Ritrovamenti monetali di età romana nel Friuli Venezia Giulia (2010) ·» 508f Johnston, Ann: Greek Imperial Denominations ca. 200-275: a Study of the Roman Provincial Bronze Coinages of Asia Minor ·» 509f Tye, Robert: Early World Coins and Early Weight Standards ·» 514f Schindel, Nikolaus: Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum. Israel (2009) ·» 516ff Gyselen, Rika: Arab-Sasanian Copper Coinage. 2nd ed., Vienna, 2009 ·» 521ff Smolderen, Luc: La médaille en Belgique: Des origins à nos jours (2009) ·» 523f The President's address - Mayhew, Nicholas: The quantity theory of money: 1. The money supply ·» 525-531 Proceedings ·» 533-554 GENERAL DECENNIAL INDEX Volumes 161-170 ·» 555-586
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