AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 177 London The Royal Numismatic Society 2017. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. Vii, 583, xi, tavv. 76 in b/n. Indice: Pere Pau Ripollès: The Iberian Coinages, 6th-1st century BC ·» 1-8 Christopher De Lisle: The Coinage of Agathokles of Syracuse: Sicilian and Hellenistic Influences ·» 9-28 Mati Johananoff: Small Change for the Seleucid Army: Bronze Coins of Side in the Southern Levant ·» 29-65 Rachel Barkay: The Coinage of the Nabataean Usurper Syllaeus (c.9-6 BC) ·» 67-81 Bernhard E. Woytek: Tiberian Pseudo MedallionsCLEMENTIAE/MODERATIONI(S) Group and the Problem of Chronology ·» 83-92 Nathan T. Elkins: Aequitas and Iustitia on the Coinage of Nerva: a Case of Visual Panegyric ·» 93-106 David Schwei: Exchange Rates, Neronian Silver Standards, and a Long-term Plan to Unify the Empire's Mints ·» 107-134 Martin Beckmann: The Restoration of Mark Antony's Legionary Denarii by Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus ·» 135-147 N.M.McQ. Holmes: Were 'Non-Local' Medallions of the Valerianic Dynasty struck at the Mint of Viminacium? ·» 149-152 N.M.McQ. Holmes: Some Notes on the IOVI CRESCENTI Coinage of Valerian II ·» 153- 158 David Woods: The Late Roman 'Camp Gate' Reverse Type and the "Sidus Salutare" ·» 159-174 Matthew Ball: An Unlisted "Miliarensis" Type in the Name of Theodosius I ·» 175-181 NC Editors' Note: Coinage, Policy and Civic Life in the Roman Imperial Provinces at the end of the Severan Age (AD 218-244) ·» 183 Robert Bennett: Ann Johnston and the So-called 'Pseudo-Autonomous' Coins Thirty Years on ·» 185-200 George Watson: Die-sharing and the 'Pseudo-Autonomous' Coinages ·» 201-211 Laurent Bricault: Sarapis au droit des monnaies provinciales romaines d'Asie Mineure et de Thrace ·» 213-244 Ulrike Peter: Die 'pseudo-autonomen' Münzen von Moesia Inferior - ein erster ikonographischer Überblick ·» 245-259 JUlie Dalaison: Les monnayages sans portrait impérial du nord de l'Asie mineure (Bithynie, Paphlagonie, Pont et Arménie mineure) ·» 261-306 Jack Nurpetlian: A Survey of Roman Provincial Pseudo-autonomous Coins of the Levant ·» 307-311 François de Callataÿ: Coin Deposits and Civil Wars in a Long-term Perspective (c.400 BC-1950 AD) ·» 313-338 Emilio Peris Blanch: A New Justinian I Silver Coin: Attributing the 'Unattributed' Silver Coins ·» 339-340 Martin Allen: A Probable Addition to the Coinage of Henry, Earl of Northumberland (d. 1152) ·» 341-342 Pavlos S. Pavlou: A Large Parcel of Silver Trams of Cilician Armenia 1198-1307 ·» 343-398 B. J. Cook: "Like Philip and Mary on a Shilling": the Literary Legacy of a Tudor Coin ·» 399-411 Jos Benders: The Later, the More Deceptive? A Patagon Dated 1628 from Chateau- Regnault with a Brabantian Obverse ·» 413-417 Coin Hoards Susan Tyler-Smith: The 'Year 12: Berlin 2016' Hoard of Late Sasanian Coins ·» 419- 450 Nikolaus Schindel: POLAND: The Sāmānid Hoard of Pepineg (?)/ Przemysl from the Year 1849 ·» 451-458 Aram Vardanyan: RUSSIA: A Hoard of Tenth-century Dirhams from Kolomna ·» 459- 480 S. Bitrak, W. Brillowski / N.V. Sekunda: Coins from Excavations at Negotino Gradište 2012 ·» 481-493 Hale Güney: Unpublished Coins of the Bithynian Kingdom at Bursa Museum ·» 494- 500 F. Coarelli: The Quadrigatus and Rome's Monetary Economy in the Third Century: Argentum Signatum. Le origini della moneta d'argento a Roma (Rev.: Seth Bernard) ·» 501-513 Franz Füeg, H. Thomas Hofmänner, Italo Vecchi: Middle Byzantine Numismatics in the Light of Franz Füeg's "Corpora of Nomismata": Corpus of the Nomismata from Anastasius II to John I in Constantinople 713-976: Structure of the Issues; Corpus of Coin Finds; Contribution to the Iconographic and Monetary History by Franz Füeg, H. Thomas Hofmänner, Italo Vecchi; Corpus of the Nomismata from Basil II to Eudocia 976-1067: Corpus from Anastasius II to John I 713-976 with Addenda; Structure of the Issues 976-1067; The Concave/ Convex Histamena Contribution to the Iconographic and Monetary History (Rev.: Jonathan Jarrett) ·» 514-535 Eberhad Auer: The Bonn Hoard: Die Turnosgroschen aus dem Münzschatz vom Boeselagerhof Bonn. Bonner Numismatische Studien 2 (Rev.: Marcus Phillips) ·» 536-570 Michael Nick: Die Keltischen Münzen der Schweiz: Katalog und Auswertung Inventar der Fundmünzen der Schweiz 12 (Rev.: Colin Haselgrove) ·» 571-575 Anna Gannon: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 63: British Museum Anglo-Saxon Coins I. Early Anglo-Saxon Gold and Anglo-Saxon and Continental Silver Coinage of the North Sea Area, c.600-760 (Rev.: John-Henry W. Clay) ·» 575-577 Rory Naismith: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, 67, British Museum, Anglo-Saxon Coins II, Southern English Coinage from Offa to Alfred c.760-880 (Rev.: William Mackay) ·» 577- 580 Georges Depeyrot: Le numéraire carolingien: Corpus des monnaies. Quatrième édition augmentée (Rev.: Simon Coupland) ·» 581-583. Ottimo stato.
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