London Ancient Coins

Auction 78  –  1 October 2023

London Ancient Coins, Auction 78

Numismatic Literature

Su, 01.10.2023, from 6:00 PM CEST
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AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 174. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2014. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 403 - xix, tavv. 77 in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice: Richard Ashton / Philip Kinns / Andrew Meadows: Opuscula Anatolica IV ·» 1-28, pl.1.5 Rachel Barkay: The Coinage of the Last Nabatean King, Rabbel II (AD 70/1-105/6) ·» 29-44, pl.6-7 Simon Glenn: Heliocles and Laodice of Bactria: a Reconsideration ·» 45-59 Louis-Pol Delestrée / Fabien Pilon: Le moule à potins en bronze de Romenay (Saône- et-Loire, France) ·» 61-74, pl.8-9 Pierluigi Debernardi: The Orzivecchi Hoard and the Beginnings of the Denarius ·» 75- 89, pl.10-13 Charles Parisot-Sillon / Arnaud Suspène / Guillaume Sarah: Patterns in Die Axes on Roman Republican Silver Coinage ·» 91-109 Nathan T. Elkins: Taxes, Liberty, and the Quadrantes of Caligula ·» 111-117 Bernhard E. Woytek: More Imitative Trajan Sestertii from Britain: Additional Evidence for the 'Modius Group' and Other Finds ·» 119-124, pl.14-15 Cristian Gäzdac / Cälin Cosma: A Counterfeiter's Fingerprint on a Forged Denarius of Marcus Aurelius ·» 125-128, pl.17-19 Colin P. Elliott: The Acceptance and Value of Roman Silver Coinage in the second and third centuries A.D ·» 129-152 Jérémie Chameroy / Pierre-Marie Guihard: L'officine de faux-monnayeurs de La Coulonche (Orne): nummi coulés de la Tétrarchie en Occident ·» 153-191, pl.20-25 Andrei Gandila / Zeliha Demirel Gökalp: A Hoard of Early Byzantine Gold Coins from Bythinia ·» 193-203, pl.26-27 S.J. Mansfield: A Byzantine Temporary Mint and Justin II's Lombard Campaign ·» 205- 212 Simon Coupland: A Supplement to the Checklist of Carolingian Coin Hoards, 751-987 ·» 213-222, pl.28,50-52 Rory Naismith: A Pair of Tenth-Century Pennies Found on the Banks of the Loire ·» 223-225 Mariele Valci: A Hoard of Roman Denari Provisini Preserved in the Capitoline Museum, Rome ·» 227-244 Julian Backer: Coin Circulation in Late Medieval Thrace According to the Evidence from Edirne Archaeological Museum ·» 245-256, pl.29-39 Hodge Mehdi Malek: New Coins from the Reign of Kavad II (AD 628) ·» 257-260 Michael Alram: From the Sasanians to the Huns. New Numismatic Evidence from the Hindu Kush ·» 261-291, pl.40-43 Catherine Eagleton: Collecting America: Sarah Sophia Banks and the 'Continental Dollar' of 1776 ·» 293-301 Coin Hoards R.H.J. Ashton: Two hoards of Rhodian and Pseudo-Rhodian coin: Unknown findspot before June 2003 » 303-306, pl.44 R.H.J. Ashton: Central Greece? 2013 » 304-306 Georg Watson: A hoard of Roman Provincial bronzes from Pamphylia » 307-316, pl.45-49 Simon Couplan: Seven recent Carolingian hoards » 317-332, pl.50-52 Stefan Heidemann: A hoard from the time of the Collapse of the Sasanian Empire (AD 638-9) - Part 2: Analysis of the minting system of Ardashir III ·» 333-351, pl.53-72 Aram Vardanyan / Gennadiy Zlobin: A mixed hoard of 11th century coins found in Azerbaijan 2013 » 352-361, pl.73-75 Michael Fedorov / Andrew Kuznetsov: A hoard of early-mediaeval drachms from the eastern Sogd (between Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan 2009) » 362-365, pl.76-77 Excavation Frances Mcintosh: Byzantine Coin from Birdoswald » 367-369 REVIEW ARTICLE Rev. by: Aleksander Bursche: Roman coins in Denmark once more ·» 371-384 • H.W. Horsnæs: Crossing Boundaries. An Analysis of Roman Coins in Danish Context. Vol.2: Finds from Bornholm • L.M.H. Bjerg: Die Denare aus Siedlungen der römischen und germanischen Eisenzeit in Jütland. Germania 89 (2011 [2013]), pp.231-275 REVIEWS (Reviewer in brackets) David M. Jacobson / Nikos Kokkinos (eds): Judaea and Rome in Coins, 65 BCE - 135 CE. (Rev. by Donald T. Ariel) ·» 385-39 M. Weber / A. Geissen: Die alexandrinischen Gaumünzen der romischen Kaiserzeit. (Rev. by Andrew Burnett) ·» 391-394 I. Vecchi: Italian Cast Coinage (Rev. by Andrew Burnett) ·» 394f D. Hollard / F. López Sanchez: Le Chrisme et le Phénix. lmages monétaires et mutations idéologiques au IVe siècle, Scripta Antiqua 63. (Rev. by Vincent Drost) ·» 396-398 Gabriela Bijovsky: Gold Coin and Small Change: Monetary Circulation in Fifth-Seventh Century Byzantine Palestine. (Sam Moorhead) ·» 398-401 Elina Screen: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 65. Norwegian Collections. Part I. Anglo-Saxon Coins to 1016. (Hugh Pagan) ·» 401-403 Heinz Winter: Die Medaillen und Schaumünzen der Kaiser und Könige aus dem Haus Habsburg im Münzkabinett des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien: I: Friedrich III. und Maximilian I. (Jan Lis) ·» 403. Plates 1-77: ·»

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