Leu Numismatik

Web Auction 26  –  8 - 13 July 2023

Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 26

Celtic, Greek, Central Asian, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, Islamic and Modern ...

Part I: Sa, 08.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
Part II: Su, 09.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
Part III: Mo, 10.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
Part IV: Tu, 11.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
Part V: We, 12.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
Part VI: Th, 13.07.2023, from 12:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


★ A sharp, fresh and very attractive dinar of 'Ali ibn Yusuf ★

ISLAMIC, al-Maghreb (North Africa). Almoravids (al-Murabitun). 'Ali ibn Yusuf, AH 500-537 / AD 1107-1142. Dinar (Gold, 27 mm, 4.11 g, 6 h), Nul Lamta, AH 523 = 1129. Citing his son Sir as heir. Within a circle, ‘lā ilāha illā Allāh / Muḥammad rasūl Allāh / amīr al-muslimīn ʿAlī ibn / Yūsuf wa al-amīr / Sīr’ (‘There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The Commander of the Muslims, Ali son of Yusuf and Amir Sir’ in Arabic); in the margin, ‘wa man yabtagh ghayr al-ʾIslām dīnan falan yuqbala minhu wa huwa fī al-ʾākhirati min al-khāsirīn’ (‘And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he will be among the losers’ in Arabic; Qurʾān 3: 85). Rev. Within a circle, ‘al-imām / ʿabd / Allāh / amīr al-muʾminīn’ (‘The Imam, the Servant of Allah, the Commander of the Believers’ in Arabic); in the margin, ‘bism Allāh ḍuriba hādhā al-dīnār bi Nūl Lamṭa sana thalāth wa ʿishrīn wa khamsa miʾa’ (‘In the name of Allah. This dinar was struck in Nul Lamta in the year 523’ in Arabic). Album 466.2. A sharp, fresh and very attractive example. Good extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

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Price realized 900 CHF
Starting price 200 CHF
The auction is closed.
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