Kolbe & Fanning

Auction 169  –  17 February 2024

Kolbe & Fanning, Auction 169

The BCD Numismatic Library

Sa, 17.02.2024, from 6:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Silva Ramos’s Ancient Coins

Silva Ramos, Bernardo d’Azevedo da. CATALOGO DA COLLECÇÃO NUMISMATICA DE BERNARDO D’AZEVEDO DA SILVA RAMOS. PUBLICADO SOB O AUSPICIO DO GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS. VOL. I: MOEDAS GREGAS E ROMANAS. MOEDAS MEDIOEVAES E MODERNAS DE OURO E DE PRATA. Roma: Tipografia della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Proprietà del Cav. V. Salviucci, 1900. 8vo, later brown leatherette; spine lettered in black; original printed front card cover trimmed and mounted. xii, 337, (1) pages; occasional text illustrations. Fine. The first volume of this extensive catalogue of a notable general collection, including all of the listings for ancient coins. Extremely rare.

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Price realized 200 USD
Starting price 200 USD
Estimate 300 USD
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