Kolbe & Fanning

Auction 169  –  17 February 2024

Kolbe & Fanning, Auction 169

The BCD Numismatic Library

Sa, 17.02.2024, from 6:00 PM CET
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Ancient Coins in British Collections

Haym, Nicholas Francis. THESAURI BRITANNICI. PARS PRIMA, SEU MUSEUM NUMARIUM, COMPLEXUM NUMOS GRÆCOS, ET LATINOS OMNIS METALLI, ET FORMÆ NECDUM EDITOS... Vindobonæ: Excudebat Georgius Ludovicus Schulzius, 1762. Finely engraved allegorical frontispiece by J. Mansfeld; (16), 296, (8) pages; 30 engraved foldout plates of coins; woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials. [bound with] Gessner, Jacob. ADPENDICULA AD NUMISMATA GRÆCA POPULORUM ET URBIUM A JACOBO GESNERO. TABULIS ÆNEIS REPRÆSENTATA. OPERA ET STUDIO ALOYSII COMITIS CRISTIANI. Vindobonæ: Typis Georgii Ludovici Schulzii, 1762. 80 pages; 2 engraved foldout plates of coins; woodcut headpieces and tailpiece. [with] Haym, Nicholao Francisco. THESAURI BRITANNICI. PARS ALTERA, SEU MUSEUM NUMARIUM, CONPLEXUM [sic] NUMOS GRÆCOS, ET LATINOS OMNIS METALLI, ET FORMÆ NECDUM EDITOS... INTERPRETE JOSEPHO KHELL E S.J. Vindobonæ: Typis Joannis Thomæ de Trattnern, 1765. (40), 398, (10) pages; 51 engraved foldout plates of coins; woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials. [bound with] Khell von Khellburg, Joseph S.J., and Jacob Gessner. ADPENDICULA ALTERA AD NUMISMATA GRÆCA, POPULORUM ET URBIUM A JACOBO GESNERO, TABULIS ÆNEIS REPRÆSENTATA. AUTORE JOSEPHO KHELL E S.J. Vindobonæ: Typis, Joannis Thomæ de Trattner, 1764. 168 pages; 4 engraved foldout plates of coins; woodcut headpieces and tailpieces. [bound with] Wallis, Stephan Olivier, Graf von. FRAGEN AUS DEM GANZEN RÖMISCHDEUTSCHEN STAATSRECHTE, WELCHE DER HOCH UND WOHLGEBOHRNE HERR STEPHEN OLIVIER GRAF VON WALLIS NEBST VERTHEIDIGUNG DER DARAUS FOLGENDE SÄTZE VOR EINER HOCHADELICHEN UND GELEHRTEN VERSAMLUNG IN DER K. K. THERESIANISCHEN RITTERSCHULE ÖFFENTLICH BEANTWORTEN WIRD, DEN 6. HERBSTMONATS IM JAHRE 1764. Wien: Gedruckt bey Johann Thomas von Trattner, 1764. 63, (1) pages; woodcut headpiece and tailpieces. Bound in two volumes. 4to, contemporary matching full English calf; spines elaborately decorated in gilt; red and black spine labels, gilt; endpapers with brushwork marbling; all page edges red. Bindings worn, with chipping to spines and weak joints; contents a bit musty. Very good or so. Though a “Roman,” Nicholao Haym resided in England, where the first edition of this work was published in 1719 and 1720 in Italian with English summaries. The Latin edition at hand was edited by the Jesuit Father Joseph Khell. Haym intended to publish a corpus of Greek and Roman coins in English collections, with notes on rarity, but only the two parts were published. Included therein are coins from seventeen major cabinets, including those of the Earl of Pembroke, the Duke of Devonshire, Sir Robert Abdy, Sir Hans Sloane and the University of Oxford. This later edition appears to be much scarcer that the first edition, which itself is uncommon, and the additions to Gessner bound in here appear to be every bit as rare as his main work published a quarter century earlier. Though published only a few years apart, pars prima and pars altera seem infrequently to be offered together. Babelon 116–117. Dekesel H165. Lipsius 178. Manville 167, noting the value of the provenances included within. The second work is Dekesel K77. Lipsius 147 & 208.

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Price realized 275 USD
Starting price 275 USD
Estimate 400 USD
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