ETRURIA or UMBRIA. Anonymous. Ca. 3rd century BC. AE quartuncia (15x10mm, 2.00 gm, 12h). VF. Uncertain city, local standard. Club / Ξ. TV -. Vecchi -. HN Italy -. Ex Heritage Auctions, Auction 232216 (20 April 2022), lot 64219. A superb and fascinating coin seemingly from the oval-shaped series traditionally assigned to Umbria. As noted in Italo Vecchi's 2013 publication of Italian Cast Coinage on p. 52, these might instead belong to the Etruscan city of Volsinii. Vecchi catalogs denominations from an As (196) through Semiuncia (201) on a weight standard of about 154 gm. The Semuncia listed is 8.90 gm and belongs in a private collection, otherwise unpublished, and has a U on the reverse instead of a pellet designation like the rest of the denominations. The weight range for the Unciae observed is 20.05 gm-4.10 gm, thus wide enough for a Quartuncia at 2.00 gm to be valid. Alternatively the letter on the reverse could be an H, which might indicate Hatria instead of a denomination, however the Hatrian issues bear no resemblance to the oval club series. HID09801242017 © 2024 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved
Price realized | 300 USD |
Starting price | 1 USD |