Heritage Auctions

Weekly Auction 232346  –  16 - 17 November 2023

Heritage Auctions, Weekly Auction 232346

Ancient and World Coins

Part 1: Th, 16.11.2023, from 2:00 AM CET
Part 2: Fr, 17.11.2023, from 2:00 AM CET
The auction is closed.


Anglo-Gallic. Henry VI (1422-1461) Salut d'Or ND (1422-1436) AU53 NGC, Paris mint, Crown mm, Fr-301. (crown) hЄHRICVS: DЄI: GRA: FRACORV: Z (retrograde): AGLIЄ: RЄX, Virgin Mary (on left) and Archangel Gabriel (on right) standing behind the shields of France and England, respectively, scroll with AVЄ (written upwards) in between, rays above / (crown) XPC ? VIHCIT ? XPC ? RЄGHAT ? XPC ? ImPЄRAT, Latin cross within tressure, lis to left, lion to right, h below. HID09801242017 © 2023 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved

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Price realized 1'400 USD
Starting price 1 USD
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