
Auction 2021  –  22 - 23 October 2021

Gadoury, Auction 2021

Ancient, Monaco, French, British, Italian, House of Savoy, Russian & USA Coins

Part 1: Fr, 22.10.2021, from 10:00 AM CEST
Part 2: Sa, 23.10.2021, from 10:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.
Éditions Gadoury does not charge any live online bidding fee for this auction.


Royaume achéménide
Artaxerxès III 359-338 av. J.-C. Evagoras satrape vers 350-340 av. J.-C.
Tétradrachme, atelier indéterminé de Carie ou de Phénicie, AG 14.17 g. Ref : Traité II, 122 et pl. XCI,11; Babelon Pers. Ach. 620, pl. XVII, 14;
De Luynes 2947; SNG Kayhan 1004.
Ex Vente NGSA 2012, 27/11/2012, lot 280
Conservation : NGC Choice VF 4/5 - 3/5 flan flaw

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Price realized 4'200 EUR
Starting price 3'000 EUR
The auction is closed.
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