Münzenhandlung Erwin Dietrich

7th Online Auction  –  7 July 2024

Münzenhandlung Erwin Dietrich, 7th Online Auction

Swiss and World Coins, Medals and Banknotes

Su, 07.07.2024, from 4:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Diverse Länder / Various countries
Sonstige jetons / Miscellaneous token Sonstige jetons / Miscellaneous token Lot aus 20 Stücke mit einem Total Gewicht von 154.18 g. Lot with 20 pieces with a total weight of 154.18 g., darunter / Including: 5.4 g. 24.90 mm. USA. Messing jeton Tierkreiszeichen / brass token zodiac symbol. Connect with a Pisces (Scorpio / Sagittarius / Taurus / Gemini / Libra). Darstellung von sexuellen Handlungen / Depiction of sexual act (erotic). No.367366 / No.184898. 5.1 g. 23.0 mm. USA Messing jeton / brass Token - Heads I Win / Tails You Lose. TC No.344521. 12.0 mm. 30.2 mm. Eurozone. Bimetallisch Phantasiejetons / Bimetallic Fantasy items 2002 , 6 Eros. Map of Europe with 6 hearts, and Scandinavia diverted. No. 284802. 20 Expl. Unterschiedliche Erhaltungen / Various conditions.

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Price realized 20 CHF
Starting price 20 CHF
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