★ Very rare ★
CILICIA, Aegeae, Caligula Æ Tetrassarion Mi-, magistrate. Dated year 87 = AD 40/41.
Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Alexander the Great to right
Rev: AIΓAIΩN THΣ IEΡAΣ KAI AΥTONOMOΥ - bare head of Julius Caesar to right; ZΠ (date) over MI behind.
References: RPC I 4036; SNG Levante 1691.
The Cilician city of Aegeae (Greek: city of goats) was Greek town of Macedonian origin founded in memory of the victory over the Persians at Issos. Although neither portrait is explicitly identified, they likely represent Alexander the Great - first beleved founder, and Julius Caesar - restorer of the city's former power.