★ Theodore Mesarites! ★
PB Byzantine seal of Theodore Mesarites(AD 12th century)
Obv.: St Theodore Stratelates standing, holding a spear and shield. Inscription on either side: ὁ ἅγιος Θεόδωροςὁ Στ[ραγηλάτης]. Border of dots.
Rev.: Inscription of four lines beginning with a cross: Θεοδώρου σφράγισματοῦΜεσαρίτου. Border of dots.
Translation: St. Theodoros Stratelates. Seal of Theodore Mesarites.
Unpublished. Cf. PBW Theodoros 217, 20187.
Weight: 10.97 g.
Diameter: 28.02 mm.