★ *Constantine X Doukas* ★
PB Byzantine seal of Constantine X Doukas (1065-67)
Obv.: Christ Emmanuel, seated on a lyre-backed throne, wearing a tunic and himation and holding the right hand in blessing and a book in the left. He has a nimbus cruciger. Sigla at right: Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς [Χ(ριστό)ς]. Circular inscription: [Ἐμμανουήλ]. Border of dots.
Rev: Two standing figures. At the left the emperor Constantine X bearded, wearing a crown with cross and pendilia and a loros holding his right hand before his chest and a globus cruciger in the left hand. At the right the Mother of God, wearing a chiton and maphorion, her right hand raised, touching the emperor's crown in blessing. Her left arm seems to be raised above her shoulder. Sigla between the figures Μ(ήτηρ) Θ(εοῦ). Circular inscription: [Κων(σταντῖνος) βασ(ι)λ(εὺς)] ὁ [Δούκας]. Border of dots.
Translation: Constantine Doukas, basileus.
Similar specimens, Seibt-Zarnitz, no. 1.1.7; Likhachev, Molivdovuly, pl. LXXVI.11; Seibt Bleisiegel, no. 22; DO Seals 6, no. 78.1; Zacos-Veglery no. 88b.
Weight: 17.95 g.
Diameter: 34.24 mm.