PB Byzantine lead seal of Michael logariastes and vestarches (AD 11th century, second half)
Obv: Inscription of five lines beginning with a cross: γραφ(ὰς) σφραγίζω (καὶ) λόγ(ους) οὕς ἐκφέ[ρει]. Border of dots.
Rev: Inscription of five lines: λογαριαστὴς Μιχαὴλ (καὶ) βεστάρχης. Border of dots.
Translation: I seal the letters and words which the logariastes and vestarches Michael brings forth.
Parallel, Dumbarton Oaks online, BZS.1951.31.5.464. Cf. Wassiliou-Seibt, Siegel mit metrischen Legenden I, no. 401.
Weight: 6.13 g.
Diameter: 18.41 mm.