PB Byzantine seal of Methodios monk and servant of St Prokopios (AD 11th century)
Obv: St Prokopios standing frontally and holding a spear in his right hand, his left hand resting on a shield set on the ground. Invisible inscription in tow columns: [ὁ ἅ(γιος) Προκόπ(ιος)]. Border of dots.
Rev: Inscription of five lines beginning with a cross: +Μεθ[οδί]ῳ (μον)αχ(ῷ) (καὶ) δού[λ(ῳ) το]ῦ ἁγί[ου Π]ροκ(ο)π(ί)[ο]υ.
Translation: Methodios, monk and servant of St Prokopios.
Parallel specimen, DO Seals 4, no. 84.1. Laurent, Corpus V/2, no. 1282.
The monk Methodios of the present seal declares having a special devotion to St Prokopios. This personal devotion suggests that Methodios was a monk in the region of the cave churches and monasteries of St Prokopios (Ürgüp) to the west of Caesarea.
Weight: 3.53 g.
Diameter: 16.88 mm.