Umayyad. temp. al-Walid I (AH 86-96 / AD 705-715) Gold Dinar AH 93.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 4.22 g.
Diameter: 20 mm.
Obv. field:
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له
(There is no god but Allah, the One, having no partner with Him.)
Obv. margin:
محمد رسول الله أرسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره علي الدين كله
(Muhammad is the messenger of Allah whom He sent with guidance and the religion of truth that He might make it prevail over all religions)
Rev. field:
الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد
(Allah is one, Allah is eternal. He has not beget and has not been begotten.)
Rev. margin:
بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر سنة ثلث وتسعين
(In the name of Allah. This dinar was struck in the year ninety-three.)
Price realized | 340 EUR 5 bids |
Starting price | 120 EUR |
Estimate | 200 EUR |