Bertolami Fine Arts

E-Auction 92  –  2 - 6 October 2020

Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 92

Ancient Coins and Numismatic Literature

Part 1: Fr, 02.10.2020, from 3:00 PM CEST
Part 2: Sa, 03.10.2020, from 3:00 PM CEST
Part 3: Su, 04.10.2020, from 3:00 PM CEST
Part 4: Mo, 05.10.2020, from 3:00 PM CEST
Part 5: Tu, 06.10.2020, from 3:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Dekesel C.E. 3 voll. A Bibliography of 17th Century Numismatic Books. Kolbe Crestline 2003. I Vol. Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue Part I A-F. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, sovraccoperta, pp. XLIV+1038, ill. in b/n. Vol. II Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue Part II G-O. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, sovraccoperta, pp. Da 1039 a 2036, ill. in b/n. Vol. III Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue Part III P-Z Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, sovraccoperta, pp. da 2037 a 3190, ill. in b/n. Nuovo

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Price realized --
Starting price 150 GBP
The auction is closed.
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