AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. VII Seventh Series. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1967. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 319 - xvii tavv. XVIII in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice: Robinson, E.S.G. / Price, M. Jessop: An emergency coinage of Timotheos ·» 1-6 Simonetta, B.: Some additional remarks on the royal Cappadocian coins ·» 7-12 Sellwood, David G.: A die-engraver sequence for later Parthian drachms ·» 13-28, pl.1-2 Levick, Barbara: Some coins and inscriptions of Colonia Comama ·» 29-35 Price, M. Jessop: Countermarks at Prusias Ad Hypium ·» 37-42, pl.3 Macdowall, David W.: A group of early imperial aes from Augers-en-Brie ·» 43-47 Weiller, R.: Antoniniani of Victorinus (268/9-271) from a treasure found at Wiesbaden ·» 49-59, pl.4-5 Mattingly, Harold B.: The Paternoster Row hoard of 'barbarous radiates' ·» 61-69, pl.6-7 Walker, D.R.: A transient coinage reform A.D. 326 ·» 71-82 Kent, J.P.C.: Fel. Temp. Reparatio ·» 83-90, pl.8 Reece, Richard: Roman coinage in southern France ·» 91-105 Cope, Lawrence H.: Roman imperial silver coinage alloy standards: the evidence ·» 107-131 Archibald, Marion: Fishpool, Blidworth (Notts.), 1966 hoard - interim report ·» 133- 146, pl.9-11 Stewart, B.H.I.H. / Murray, Joan E.L.: Unpublished Scottish coins. IV. Early James III ·» 147-161, pl.12 Dolley, Michael: The identity of the 'Dominick Grote' ·» 163-16 Metcalf, D.M. / Merrick, J. M.: Studies in the composition of early medieval coins ·» 167-181, pl.13 Weiller, R.: Medieval coins of Luxembourg in the British Museum ·» 183-188 Bedoukian, Paul: A unique billon of Levon I of Cilician Armenia and its historical significance ·» 189-197, pl.14 Price, M. Jessop: Treasure trove at Chilton Foliat ·» 199-201 Weiller, R.: Ad Usum Luxemburgi Circumvallati 1795 ·» 203-204, pl.15-16 Stern, S.M.: The coins of Āmul ·» 205-278, pl.17-18 Whitehead, Richard Bertram (1879-1967) - Obituary and bibliography by Bivar, A.D.H. ·» 279-286 Reviews ·» 287-311 INDEX ·» 312-319