Tauler & Fau

Auction 149  –  1 - 2 October 2024

Tauler & Fau, Auction 149

Ancient World Vol. XIX

Part 1: Tu, 01.10.2024, from 4:00 PM CEST
Part 2: We, 02.10.2024, from 4:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Thorius. L. Thorius Balbus. Denarius. 105 BC. Norte de Italia. (Ffc-1141). (Craw-316/1). (Cal-1300). Anv.: Head of Juno of Lanuvium right, wearing goat's skin I.S.M.R. (Juno Sispes Mater Regina) behind. Rev.: Bull charging right, letter above, L. THORIVS., below, BALBVS in exergue. Ag. 3,83 g. Almost VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Thoria. L. Thorius Balbus. Denario. 105 a.C. Norte de Italia. (Ffc-1141). (Craw-316/1). (Cal-1300). Anv.: Cabeza de Juno Sospita a derecha, cubierta con piel de cabra, detrás: I.S.M.R. Rev.: Toro a derecha, encima: letra, debajo: L. THORIVS., en el exergo: BALBVS. Ag. 3,83 g. MBC-. Est...80,00.

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Price realized --
Starting price 60 EUR
Estimate 80 EUR
The auction is closed.
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