Tauler & Fau

Auction 66  –  13 October 2020

Tauler & Fau, Auction 66

World Coins

Tu, 13.10.2020, from 4:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Portugal. Medalla. 1775. Ae. 32,14 g. Conmemoración de la reconstruccion de Lisboa tras el terremoto de 1755 y el posterior incendio. 46 mm. Golpecitos. EBC. Est...100,00. /// ENGLISH: Portugal. Medal. 1775. Ae. 32,14 g. Commemoration of the reconstruction of Lisbon after the earthquake of 1755 and the successive fire. 46 mm. Knocks. XF. Est...100,00.

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Price realized --
Starting price 70 EUR
Estimate 100 EUR
The auction is closed.
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