INDIA. Mughal Empire. Mohur, AH XXXX Year 2 (1629) (Azar). Surat Mint. Shah Jahan I. NGC MS-66.
Fr-787; KM-255.6. A stunning example of the Akola Hoard type, this Mohur presents entrancing luster and boldly preserved details that approach the upper echelon of what is possible on Mughal coinage. This example is tied with three others for the finest certified representative of the type, and offers the collector of Indian coinage a RARE chance at such a desirable issue in tremendous condition. This date was previously unknown until the discovery of a hoard along the river banks near the city of Akola. Stephen Album comments, "In 1974, a hoard of gold coins was discovered along the riverbank near the city of Akola. It is believed the mohurs represented military pay sent from the mint at Surat to Mughal troops fighting near Golkonda. As the story goes, the courier rested with the troops at night in the dry riverbed. Suddenly premature monsoon rains filled the area and swept away the caravan - and with it the whole gold mintage of the Surat mint for that year. Perhaps this tale was invented to conceal what really had happened, most likely either loss or theft or some other egregious activity." Shah Jahan was among the greatest patrons of Islamic architecture, leaving behind many grand structures constructed during his reign. Perhaps the most famous of these, the Taj Mahal, which Shah Jahan built out of love for his wife the empress Momtas Mahal. Located in Agra India, the Taj Mahal is a world heritage site and considered one of the seven wonders of the world.
出自阿科拉寶藏,光澤迷人,細節保存完好,堪稱莫卧兒鑄幣工藝的巔峰之作。此枚錢幣與其他三枚齊名,并列為該類型中品相最佳之經認證藏品,為印度錢幣收藏家提供難得的收藏機遇,將如此稀罕之珍品收入囊中。此年份之莫卧兒金幣,此前從未被世人所知,直至在阿科拉城附近之河岸發現了一批寶藏。史蒂芬-奧爾巴姆曾言:"1974年在阿科拉城附近的河岸發現了一批金幣寶藏。據信,這些莫卧兒金幣乃蘇拉特鑄幣廠為戈爾康達附近作戰之莫卧兒軍隊所鑄造之軍餉。傳聞,運送金幣之信使夜宿於乾涸之河床,與軍隊一同休息。不料,季風驟至,洪水暴漲,淹没了整片地區,商隊和蘇拉特鑄幣廠当年鑄造之所有金幣都被洪水沖走。或許,這只是一個掩蓋真相之謊言,真正的原因很可能是丢失、被盜竊或其他一些惡劣行徑。" 沙賈汗大帝,乃伊斯蘭建築史上最偉大的功臣之一,在其統治期間,無數宏偉建築拔地而起。其中最為著名者,當屬泰姬陵。沙賈汗大帝為表達對愛妻泰姬-瑪哈爾之愛意,下令建造了这座舉世聞名之陵墓。泰姬陵位於印度阿格拉,是世界文化遺產,被譽為世界七大奇跡之一。
Estimate: $2000.00 - $4000.00
Price realized | 7'500 USD |
Starting price | 1'200 USD |