CHINA. Sinkiang. 5 Mace (Miscals), AH 1332 (1914). PCGS VF-35.
L&M-770/771. A SCARCE Mule, determined by the presence of the ٣٢ which is aligned on the crossed flags and the rosette (instead of a dot) in the center on the character side. A decently struck coin (for the type) with basic detail clear on all raised devices, and endowed with a light gray tone throughout.
Estimate: $400.00 - $600.00
罕見 的混配版。幣上有 ٣٢ ,該 ٣٢ 在交叉的旗幟上對齊,而花結(而不是點)位於字面一側的中心。一枚鑄造得體(此版而言)的錢幣,所有凸起的圖文細節都清晰可見,通體帶有淺灰色調。
Price realized | 750 USD |
Starting price | 240 USD |