Stack's Bowers Galleries

September 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  27 September - 1 October 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, September 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 27.09.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 28.09.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part C: We, 29.09.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part D: Th, 30.09.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
Part E: Fr, 01.10.2021, from 3:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


(t) CHINA--FOREIGN BANKS. HK & Shanghai Banking Corp. 5 Dollars, 1923. P-S353. PMG Choice Extremely Fine 45.

(S/M#Y13-40). Shanghai. Although one of the more available designs for these large format early 1900's HSBC types, they are still scarce in attractive mid-grades like this offering.

Estimate: $1250.00 - $2250.00


上海地名。儘管此 1900 匯豐銀行大型鈔較為常見,但如此有人的中等評分仍屬珍罕。

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Price realized 1'900 USD
Starting price 750 USD
The auction is closed.
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