Highly Important 7.2 Candareens Reversed Legends Pattern
(t) CHINA. Kwangtung. 7.2 Candareens (10 Cents), ND (1890-1908). PCGS MS-62 Gold Shield.
L&M-131; K-24; KM-Y-195.1; WS-0939. The only example of the type graded in the PCGS census, this shimmering, nearly-choice minor presents tremendous radiance and shimmering brilliance, along with an exquisite strike. An ultimate, crowning achievement for the most advanced collections of early-modern Chinese issues. Upon the realization that the first Kwangtung issues were being gathered from circulation and melted for their extra silver content, authorities quickly ordered a modification to the new coinage design. New patterns were produced at the Kwangtung Mint using hubs supplied by the Birmingham Mint. Essentially these were identical to Allan Wyon's original design, with a few modifications. The weight was changed from 7 Mace 3 Candareens on the Dollar to 7 Mace 2 Candareens and correspondingly smaller per denomination. Another subtle change that was made, but only on some denominations, was the addition of small rosettes at either side of the dragon. Upon further inspection of the dollar from this series one notices the stylized "2" used in the metal content. This suggests this series being prepared by a Chinese die engraver as it is consistent in style to the latter dollars of this series. The strike quality of this type is slightly inferior to that of the "Seven Three" set. This would be consistent with the fact that although the Kwangtung Mint had received the proper machinery and dies, it did not receive proof presses or the proper machinery to produce special planchets. Like the "Seven Three" coinage, this new modified design was destined for failure. The overall design failed to meet with the approval of the Peking authorities due to the placement of the Chinese and English legends. The mint was then instructed to shift the English and Chinese text to the opposite sides of the coins. For this reason this type has come to be known as the "Reversed Pattern" series. Much more RARE than the first type as it was struck in a much smaller quantity and apparently never released for circulation. Very elusive and missing from most major collections. Highly important as this type represents a landmark in Chinese minting as it is the first Specimen silver coinage produced in China with modern minting machinery.
Ex: Edgar Mandel Collection (Stack's Bowers & Ponterio 174 - 4/2013) Lot # 21431.
Estimate: $ 40000.00 - 60000.00
PCGS 評鑒中的唯一一枚。熠熠生輝的近完美品相,鑄打極深。現代中國早期錢幣中的無冕之王,就算是身處最資深的集藏亦毫不遜色。 在得知所流通的初版被熔毀以提取銀料後,廣東當局迅即下令新版設計需做出調整。新樣幣由廣東錢局用伯明翰造幣廠提供的母模鑄造。設計大致與艾倫偉恩(Allan Wyon)原作相同,但作出了數處變更。壹圓的重量由七錢三分減為七錢二分,其餘面值依序遞減。部分面值中,蟠龍兩側各添加一個花星。 仔細檢視此系列中的壹圓,可見花體"2"。其風格與此系列中的後續錢幣一致,由此可見是由中國模具雕刻師所製。鑄工稍遜七三版。此亦符合史實,因為儘管廣東錢局收到正確的器材及模具,該局並未獲樣版模壓或生產特製坯餅的正確器械。 就如七三系列,此新設計注定胎死腹中。主要原因為中英銘文的排列方式與北京當局體制不合。造幣廠按指示將中英銘文改至錢幣的另一面。此版亦因此被稱為"反版"。 遠較初版 罕見 ,鑄額更少,最終並未發行。大型集藏中亦從缺的一版。此版是中國首枚以現代鑄幣技術造出的銀樣幣,是中國鑄幣中的里程碑,因此意義重大。
Price realized | 75'000 USD |
Starting price | 24'000 USD |