Stack's Bowers Galleries

April 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  5 - 8 April 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, April 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 05.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 5:30 AM CEST
Part D: We, 07.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 08.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


China Mixed Lots

(t) CHINA. Silver Crowns and Minors (10 pieces), 1912-1949. All PCGS Gold Shield Certified.

A nice diverse offering of Republican era silver issues containing several interesting and sought after types. Half are in details holders for being cleaned, harshly cleaned or environmental damage. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. Approximate retail value in excess of $2600. 1) China. Dollar, year 8 (1919), L&M-76, WS-0180-6, dot above ribbon variety, PCGS EF Details--Cleaned. 2) China. 20 Cents, year 3 (1914), L&M-65, WS-0176-1, PCGS EF-40. 3) China. Dollar, year 23 (1934), L&M-110, WS-0146, PCGS MS-62 Gold Shield. 4) China. Dollar, ND (1927), L&M-49, WS-0160, PCGS AU-58 Gold Shield. 5) Sinkiang. Dollar, 1949. L&M-842, KM-Y-46 (for type), "One yuan" filled in; pointed-base "1" with short serif; year 38, PCGS EF Details, Harshly Cleaned Gold Shield. 5) Szechuan. Dollar, year 1 (1912). L&M-366, KM-Y-456, WS-0778, PCGS AU Details, Environmental Damage Gold shield. 7) Szechuan. 20 Cents, year 1 (1912), L&M-368, KM-Y-454.1, WS-0784, PCGS VF-25 Gold Shield. 8) Yunnan. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1917), L&M-863, K-673, KM-Y-479.1, WS-0695, variety with raised circle in the center of the left flag, PCGS EF-45 Gold Shield. 9) as above, PCGS EF Details, Cleaned Gold Shield. 10) Great Britain. Trade Dollar, 1929/1. KM-T5, Mars-BTD1; Prid-26 (var); PCGS EF Details, Harshly Cleaned Gold Shield.

Estimate: $ 1200.00 - 1600.00


一組民國時期銀幣,當中含數枚廣受追捧的版別。一半錢幣因經清洗、強力清洗或環境損傷而得 細節評分。建議藏家仔細檢閲,定會有意外之喜。市值估約$2600以上。 1) 民國八年造袁世凱像壹圓銀幣。彩結上有點。獲評 PCGS XF Details -- 經清洗。 2) 民國三年袁世凱像貳角銀幣。獲評 PCGS EF 40。 3) 民國二十三年孫中山像壹圓銀幣。獲評 PCGS MS 62 金盾。 4) 孫中山像開國紀念壹圓銀幣。獲評 PCGS AU 58 金盾。 5) 民國卅八年新疆省造幣廠鑄壹圓銀幣。實心壹圓,尖底1,短襯綫,獲評 PCGS EF Details,強力清洗 金盾。 6)民國元年軍政府造四川壹圓銀幣。獲評 PCGS AU Details,環境損傷 金盾。 7)民國元年軍政府造四川貳角銀幣。獲評 PCGS VF 25 金盾。 8)雲南省造擁護共和紀念三錢六分銀幣。唐繼堯將軍像。左旗幟中央圓圈凸起。獲評 PCGS EF 45 金盾。 9) 同上。獲評 PCGS EF Details, 經清洗,金盾。 10) 英國1929/1年站洋壹圓銀幣。獲評 PCGS EF Details,強力清洗 金盾。

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Price realized 6'000 USD
Starting price 720 USD
The auction is closed.
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