Stack's Bowers Galleries

April 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  5 - 8 April 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, April 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 05.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 5:30 AM CEST
Part D: We, 07.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 08.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.



Rarely Offered 6 Rubles Denomination

RUSSIA. Platinum 6 Rubles, 1830-CNB. St. Petersburg Mint. Nicholas I. PCGS Genuine--Repaired, AU Details Gold Shield.

Fr-159; KM-C-178; Bit-56. Weight: 20.59 gms. Mintage: 8,610. A great example of this seldom-encountered denomination, the present piece does exhibit some minor repair in the obverse field, yet nevertheless displays little in the way of wear, all while retaining great brilliance and an alluring eye appeal. The discovery of platinum in the Urals of Western Siberia resulted in the production of three new Russian decimal coinage denominations. By the imperial decree of April 24, 1828, platinum coinage was initiated for circulation. The minting of platinum coinage in 19th century Russia was done on a very limited basis and for a period of less than two decades. The new coinage denominations were not well-received by the public, as they were produced in a pale white metal that was unfamiliar in circulation. In 1845, an imperial decree was issued ordering the minting of platinum coinage to cease. Simultaneously, the existing pieces were ordered to be recalled within a six month period. For this reason, much of the original mintages were redeemed and destroyed, which accounts for their rarity today. As the allowable six month period was too short for all the platinum issues to be redeemed and destroyed, it is largely responsible for the examples known today.

From the Pinnacle Collection. Ex: Numismatica Genevensis SA II (11/2002) Lot # 1044.

Estimate: $ 5000 - 10000



發行量:8,610枚。稀罕面值,正面底板有些許修補痕跡,但磨損輕微,光澤出眾,賞心悅目。在西西伯利亞的烏拉爾地區發現鉑金後,三種新的俄羅斯面額應運而生。根據 1828 年 4 月 24 日的帝國法令,開始以鉑金鑄流通幣。在 19 世紀的俄羅斯,鉑金造幣的發行量有限,且時長不足二十年。新造的硬幣面額並不受公眾歡迎,因為鉑金呈淡白色,在流通中並不普遍。 1845 年,帝國頒布了一項法令,停止鑄造鉑金幣。同時,需於六個月內將所有現時市面上流通的鉑金幣全數召回。因此,許多原鑄幣被召回並熔毀,此品流傳至今,足見其稀有性。由於法令所規定的六個月時限太短,無法完全收回及和熔毀所有鉑金發行,亦容讓我們今日有幸能呈獻此一罕見發行。

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Price realized 11'000 USD
Starting price 3'000 USD
The auction is closed.
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