Stack's Bowers Galleries

April 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  5 - 8 April 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, April 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 05.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 5:30 AM CEST
Part D: We, 07.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 08.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.


Year 5/1916 (L&M: 74-75 / 942-945A)

Extremely Rare Low Plume Variety

(t) CHINA. Silver Dollar Pattern, ND (1916). PCGS SPECIMEN-60 Gold Shield.

cf. L&M-944 (same dies); K-663b (same dies); KM-Y-332; Wenchao-1103 (same dies); WS-Unlisted (with plumes); Shanghai Museum-Mr. Shi Jiagan's Collection-pg.122#580 (same dies). Variety with reeded edge, low, even plumage, and more pronounced spines on the dragon's back. This EXTREMELY RARE die variant seldom appears on the market and is the first one that we can recall seeing or handling as being struck in this composition. In fact, we have only offered this die paring one other time, but that example was struck in gold (see our December 2015 Hong Kong auction, Lot # 60089). This particular die pairing exhibits subtle yet distinct characteristics that differentiate this specimen from its significantly more common counterpart (L&M-942): the base of the plume at the top of the hat is even on both sides, there are minor variations in the calligraphy on the reverse, and one observes more pronounced spines on the dragon's back. Another characteristic that stands out and sets it apart is the fact that the fields have a flashy, prooflike appearance instead of the satiny luster normally associated with the issues that bare this design. Though the flashiness is somewhat subdued by an attractive, delicate patina with wispy hairlines from being gently handled long ago, this piece has been given great care attesting to its desirability. Undoubtedly, it is a coin that is destined for an advanced collection of an expert looking for the substantially more difficult issues to obtain. It is also interesting to note that famous American coin dealer, Mr. Henry Chapman, somehow acquired a set of original dies for this issue and took them to the Philadelphia mint to have examples struck in 1921 (as proved by official US mint receipts that we sold in our April 2012 Hong Kong auction, Lot # 20385). The receipt shows that only 25 examples were struck in gold and another 50 in silver. It is possible, given the incredible rarity and subtle differences, that the present example is, in fact, one of the limited quantities struck at the Philadelphia mint in 1921, but with no concrete evidence, this is purely speculative. Also, the PCGS insert indicates that this is L&M-942, but misses the fact that it was struck with the same dies as the piece plated as L&M-944.

From the Pinnacle Collection.

Estimate: $ 30000 - 60000



cf. L&M-944 (相同模具); K-663b (相同模具); KM-Y-332; Wenchao-1103 (相同模具); WS-羽版未被收錄; 上海博物館施嘉幹先生舊藏-pg.122 # 580 ( 相同模具)。齒邊,低羽帽,龍刺明顯。此異版模具所鑄打的錢幣鮮少面市,極為稀罕。悠久的拍賣歷史中,我們僅曾經手過一次相類的錢幣,該枚所使用的模具相同,但乃金質大飛龍(請參閱SBP香港12/15拍賣品編號 60089),銀質的同款可說是首次呈獻。此特殊的模具配搭別樹一格,與常見的(L&M-942)版別分別如下:羽帽頂部的羽毛於兩側均勻散落,反面的銘文字體風格略有變化,而大飛龍的龍刺更是深峻明顯。另一與眾不同的特徵是,底板透現類精製鏡面的銀光效果,而非常見的緞面光澤。雖然銀光在淡淡的包漿及因輕手而留下的髮絲痕下若隱若現,此珍品明顯經細心保存,狀態頂級。舉世無雙之作,適合一直尋覓瑰寶的資深藏家,定必將集藏提升至全新的高度。 有趣的是,美國著名的錢幣交易商亨利-查普曼(Henry Chapman)先生曾機緣巧合下獲得此版的原始模具, 並帶到費城鑄幣廠,在 1921 年鑄製了同款錢幣。官方的美國造幣廠收據顯示,當時鑄製了 25 枚金幣、50 枚銀幣,而我們亦曾經手其中一枚(香港4/12拍賣品編號 20385)。鑑於其稀有性和當中的微妙差異,本品 亦有可能是 1921 年在費城鑄幣局限量生產的錢幣,但無任何具體證據,純屬推測。 另外,PCGS標示L&M-942,但遺漏了它與L&M-944使用的是相同的模具。

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Price realized 140'000 USD
Starting price 18'000 USD
The auction is closed.
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