Empire General Issues
Immensely Popular Long Whisker Pattern Dollar One of the Finest Examples Seen
(t) CHINA. Silver Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar Pattern, Year 3 (1911). Tientsin Mint. PCGS SPECIMEN-64 Gold Shield.
L&M-29; K-223b; KM-Pn306; H. Chang-CH28; Wenchao-108; Shanghai Museum-Mr. Shi Jiagan's Collection-67; Shanghai Museum-595; WS-Unlisted; Chang Foundation-Unlisted; Han Collection-Unlisted; Hsu-Unlisted. Adopted Reverse variety (known as the "ordinary reverse," slightly different from other 1911 pattern dollars.) An EXTREMELY RARE pattern with the adopted reverse design--the same as used on the standard "dragon in the clouds" imperial dollar. A fabulous rarity missing from most of the significant collections of Chinese coins--private or public--such as the famous Irving Goodman, Dr. Norman Jacobs, and Chang Foundation collections. This gorgeous example displays beautiful, rich, organic patination and exhibits a plethora of hues over the smooth, satiny surfaces and crisp, intricate devices. Truly, this awesome representative of the type is certain the catch the attention of quality-conscious collectors seeking magnificent looking numismatic treasures. The head of the central mint at Tientsin, Mr. Luigi Giorgi, served as head designer and chief-engraver from 1910-20. His many works are of outstanding quality, done in fine style, and are highly artistic. Examples of his work include all of the 1911 pattern dollars (L&M-28 through 35A), the 1910 silver dollars and subsidiary denominations (L&M-24 through 27), the 1914 Yuan Shih-kai patterns (L&M-67 through 73), as well as various other silver and copper issues. Several of his pattern designs were adopted and placed into full production with two of the most widely recognized motifs in Chinese numismatics being the 1911 "dragon in the clouds" imperial dollar and the 1914 Yuan Shih-kai dollar. Mr. Giorgi had the privilege of designing and creating the last Chinese imperial issue which saw use well into the Republic.
From the Pinnacle Collection.
Estimate: $ 150000 - 250000
極受歡迎的長鬚龍壹圓樣幣 評級極佳的錢幣之一
宣統三年大清銀幣 "長鬚龍" 壹圓樣幣。天津造幣廠。
亦常被稱長鬚龍配普通版,與其他同年的樣幣略有不同。反面"普通版"的設計與大清"龍在雲"壹圓設計相同,常列待收藏項目的前茅,許多知名收藏家包括古德曼、鴻禧美術館及諾曼雅各斯都未能蒐得此品。此枚 珍品 透現濃郁的原味包漿,絲滑幣面,圖文銳利,乃資深錢幣藏家不可或缺的收藏。Luigi Giorgi 先生於 1910-20 年於天津造幣廠擔任首席設計及雕刻師。他的設計成品卓越,多以細膩、藝術感豐富馳名。他的傑作包括 1911 年大清壹圓樣幣(L&M-28 至35A)、民國三年袁世凱樣幣 (L&M-67 至73),及其他銀及銅元。他的部分設計被採用及大量發行,首選 1911 年"龍在雲中"大清壹圓及民國三年袁世凱壹圓。 Giorgi 先生有幸能被賞識為晚清設計錢幣發行,並引用至民國時期,影響深遠。
Price realized | 850'000 USD |
Starting price | 90'000 USD |